Switching a Resource to “Public”
Hydroshare requires a resource to have the following before it can be made public:
- Title
- Abstract
- Keywords
- At least 1 file in the content section
These are used for data discovery in HydroShare and will help other users understand your data. You should also consider completing the full metadata description of your resource including authors, contributors, coverage, references, etc.
You can share resources using global settings for the resource or you can share with individual HydroShare users or Groups. To globally share a resource, navigate to its landing page, and click on the sharing icon in the top right of the page.
What happens when I check the Shareable check box?
This allows any user who has been given access to the resource to share the resource with other users. A user’s ability to share a resource is limited by the permissions the resource owner gives to each user (e.g., regarding the image below, If Liza makes her resource ‘shareable’ and gives Christina ‘View’ permissions, Christina can grant other users permission to ‘View’ Liza's resource).
Public – anyone in HydroShare can discover and access the resource, as well as download the files in the contents section
Discoverable – anyone in HydroShare can discover the resource, but only users with permission can access the content files.
Private – Only HydroShare users with specific permission can discover and access the resource.
Give Access
To share a resource with specific HydroShare user or groups:
- Toggle the appropriate button to search from existing Users or Groups (you will not be able to add a group as an owner)
- Type in the name of a user or group and select from the options that appear
- Click on the dropdown to choose the permission level
- Click Add