Create An Account

Creating an account on HydroShare is free of cost. Follow the instructions below to get started.

  1. On the HydroShare homepage, look for the Sign Up Now option.

Screencapture from landing page. Blue text says "HydroShare is CUAHSI's online collaboration environment for sharing data, models, and code". A blue button below says "Sign up now".

  1. Provide Account Information: Complete the form with your name, email address, and organizational affiliations and select a username and password. Users with email addresses ending in .edu, .gov, or .org will not need to provide justification for account creation. Users with other domains will be required to provide justification and get account approval. Once this is done you will recevie an email letting you know your account is active. You can also link your ORCID to HydroShare and use your ORCID credentials to log on.

      Fill in your Profile 

  1. The verification link will redirect to the HydroShare homepage with a pop up that says Your profile is nearly complete. Please fill in the title and organization fields on the user profile page. Navigate to your user profile page by clicking on the pop up or clicking on the profile icon in the top right of the page.
  2. On your profile page, click on the edit icon in the top right and fill in at least the required fields. Filling in as much as possible in your profile will improve your visibility as a HydroShare user. Filling in your profile also builds the Hydroshare community by helping us record and report metrics about who is using HydroShare. These metrics are necessary for reporting to the National Science Foundation and others who fund HydroShare. Note that usernames cannot be changed by users or admins. 

You are ready to begin sharing and collaborating!