Publishing in HydroShare

HydroShare users should treat datasets and models as first class research products - along with the papers that are written about them. There is an opportunity to maximize the value of these research products by practicing good data management and creating descriptive metadata. 

Hydroshare offers the ability to publish and receive a digital object identifier (DOI) for your resource, but once a resource is published content can no longer be altered. A DOI provides a unique, persistent link to your data that can be used to reference your data in journal articles and other publications.

Public resources do not have a DOI but can be found and used by all Hydroshare users via the Discover page, and contents can be changed by owners and collaborators. Choose the sharing status that best fits your resource at different stages of your data lifecycle. 

“Published” V.S. “Public”

Within HydroShare, the terms “Published” and “Public” with regards to resource status take on the following meanings:

Published: Has a digital object identifier (DOI) and an immutable set of content files which cannot be changed.

Public: Can be discovered on the HydroShare Discover page, and viewers can download the contents of your resource from the resource landing page, but does not have a digital object identifier (DOI).  

Within the lifecycle of your data, collection and discovery through maintenance and storage, a resource may remain public and will still have a persistent URL that other users can use to access and download your data. Once data is ready to be made immutable, it may be published and receive a DOI. 

What Can be Published

Resources: All content types can be included in published resources. 

Collections: Collections can be published as long as all resources contained within the collection are also published. 

What Cannot be Published

Web app connectors: Currently, web app connectors cannot receive a DOI. 

Hydroshare places no restrictions on what type of content can be uploaded and published, but users are discouraged from publishing content that does not relate to hydrologic research.