This tutorial describes how to upload any data type to HydroShare within a resource. All file types are supported.
What is a Resource?
All data and models uploaded to HydroShare become part of a “resource”. HydroShare uses the term “resource” to describe the data, models and their associated metadata as one single unit of digital content. Other websites may use the terms, “package”, “item”, “data” as synonymous to resource. A resource provides the ability to group together multiple files of different types in one location. Read about this here.
Organize the data and models before uploading
Before uploading data and models to HydroShare, it is important to organize them effectively. Most efforts generate multiple files with complexity that requires forethought toward organization. Consider how potential end-users will want to interact with the content and what structure will best facilitate access, interpretation, and reuse. For instance, for a single research effort with 50 different data files that are the same format, you may want to separate these data files based on types of data that were collected/analyzed and/or parse the data by date ranges.
Symbology in HydroShare
Below is a legend containing some of the essential symbols you will see as you navigate HydroShare.
Content Types are discussed in greater detail Here.
Create a Resource
To upload data to HydroShare, you must sign into your account. (Create an account here.) In the contents section you can upload files of various different content types, and you can add web content that links to external web resources.
- Go to
- Sign in to your HydroShare user account
- Click on the Create button in the top right navigation menu.
- Select Resource from the dropdown. (See here for information on model content.)
- Provide a title for the resource and click Create.
- You will be directed to the landing page for your new resource to add files and fill out metadata. See here for details on metadata to describe the resource. Metadata is essential to your resource. At minimum you must add a descriptive title, an abstract that describes the contents of the resource, and one keyword to make a resource public or discoverable.
- In the Content section of the page, either drag and drop files up to 25 Gigabytes, or click "Add Files" to bring up a dialogue box that will allow you to upload from your computer or google drive. To upload from Google Drive users will have to authenticate with Google. Another dialogue box will appear to authenticate. The largest file upload size in this dialogue box is 25 gigabytes at a time.
- To Pause an upload press the pause button in the bottom right denoted by two parallel lines in a circle. To resume the upload press the play arrow button.
- To Add Web Content select the icon, pictured below to add a link to an external web resource. This function allows users to store only metadata on hydroshare while data is stored elsewhere. NOTE this precludes publishing.
- Organize files into folders as needed, with descriptive names that delineate data as a user may want to navigate it.