CIROH on HydroShare

CIROH on HydroShare

HydroShare is a collaboration environment and repository for data, models, and other research products. Developed and maintained by the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI), HydroShare is a file agnostic, general purpose repository for data, models, computational notebooks, and other content types that accepts upload of any file type. HydroShare allows users to publish data and other content and receive a citable Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Users can keep content files private, share individually with collaborators, make content public, or publish content permanently so that it can be easily cited. HydroShare users can also share their content with groups and communities, such as the CIROH Community, allowing for increased inter-group collaboration.

This information is also available on the CIROH Docuhub. For a board overview of CIROH documentation please visit . 

Recommendations for Sharing Data

Depending on the type and size of data you are producing and using, we recommend the following options for data archiving and sharing data:

  1. HydroShare (

    • When to use:
      • Use for datasets under 5GB
      • Datasets that require spatial data services (THREDDS, WMS, etc)
      • Datasets that need to be accessed from applications through APIs
      • Datasets that are linked to other datasets
      • Datasets that require formal publishing with a DOI
      • For links and pointers to external datasets
      • Consider using a Creative Commons License for releasing data
    • When not to use:
      • Very large datasets
      • Rapidly changing datasets
      • Data with extensive sharing and license restrictions
    • Cost of use:
      • Free for researchers up to 20 GB per user (more available upon reasonable request) 
      • Free for permanently published data
    • Where to go for help:

The CIROH HydroShare Community 

CIROH has access to a community on HydroShare. A community is an advanced sharing feature that is composed of HydroShare groups. Each of the four CIROH working groups have a group on Hydroshare and are part of the CIROH community. 

A group is a collection of users with sharing and access permissions, which can then share up to a community. This allows subgroups to share to umbrella organizations like CIROH. 

To join a group, navigate to Collaborate > Groups, and free text search for the name of the group you want to join. To create a group click the green "Create group" button. 

To add your group to a community, navigate to Collaborate > Communities, and select the community you wish to join. 

Sharing to Groups

To share a resource to a group, go to the "manage who has access" panel and select groups, then type the name of the group to which you want to share and designate an access level. Groups cannot be owners of resources. 

Sharing to Communities

All data shared to group landing pages is visible on community landing pages, aggregating shared data in one place. To watch a short video on how to use communities and groups visit the CUAHSI Youtube Channel and watch this short video (linked).