Single File

 HydroShare resources may consist of various types of files that are logically grouped together. Single files in a resource may have content level metadata added to them, which creates a single file content type. Only files that are not participating in another content type aggregation can be converted to the single file content type. 

Metadata associated with single files can include:

  • Title: Condensed version of the abstract.
  • Abstract: Describes the content and purpose of the resource
  • Keywords: Resource can only be made public after Keywords are added
  • Temporal and spatial coverage: can be added manually or from content level metadata
  • Additional metadata: key and value pairs where the key defines the metadata element name and the value is the content of that element.

Note: When a single file aggregation is downloaded, two additional files are included (<filename>_meta.xml and <filename>_resmap.xml) where <filename> is the name of the file to which metadata have been added. These additional files contain the content type metadata. 

Set Spatial Coverage

You can set the spatial coverage manually using the map by placing a box or a point, or by filling in coordinates in the latitude and longitude boxes. In the example below a point has been added and the latitude and longitude entry fields have populated automatically with the coordinates designated by the point.

Screencapture, the spatial coverage/map field of the resource landing page. In the top left it the word "Spatial:" and below a free text entry box labeled "Place/area name". Below the box the coordinate system/geographic projected is noted: WGS 84 EPSG:4326. The coordinate units are also specified: decimal degrees. There is are latitude and longitude entry boxes. To the tight is an inset map showing North America with a location pin dropped in Massachusetts. Above the map, there are two selectable circles labeled "point" and "box", point is selected. On the map there are 3 icons: a hand, a point, and a box, for spatial extent specification.

Alternatively you may set the spatial coverage by first adding the content level metadata (described below). Once spatial coverage is added to the file metadata, the button in the image below will appear under the latitude and longitude entry fields under spatial coverage, and you may set or reset the coverage. Doing so will set the resource level coverage to a superset of all of the content within the resource - i.e., for spatial coverage it will be set to a bounding box that contains the extent of all of the content files within the resource.

Latitude and longitude entry fields above a button that says "set spatial coverage from content files".


A resource contains the text file “GSL_south_arm.txt”.

The contents section with a file titled "GSL_south_arm.txt. Type: plain, Size 1.2 MB

Right click the file icon and select “Add metadata”. 

File "GSL_south_arm.txt" with the right click drop down expanded. The options "Cut", "rename", "delete", "Download", "Download Zipped", "Get file URL", "add Metadata", and select content type are listed.

This file is now a single file content aggregation with content level metadata. In the panel on the right, you can add metadata specific to the file, such as Title, Keywords and Coverage Information. When editing metadata, be sure to click the buttons to “Save changes”.

The same file as above, with the metadata entry field open on the right in an inset panel. The entry fields int eh panel are: Place Name/area, Latitude, Longitude, Coordinate Units. Below the entry fields there is a button labeled Save Changes. The button and the latitude longitude entry fields are circled.