
A collection is a resource type that holds a list of other HydroShare resources. Collections provide a flexible mechanism for grouping related HydroShare resources together (e.g., for a specific study, site, or experiment). 

Create a Collection

To create a collection, click “Create” and select the icon brown folder in the drop down, pictured below.

The blue "Create" button with the drop down menu expanded to show the options "Resource", "Collection", and "Web App Connector". Collection has a red square around it to draw attention.

Adding Resources

Upon creation, when you select “Add Resources” you will be prompted to choose which of your existing resources you would like added to the collection. 

 A green button that says "Add Resources"

You may add resources with the following permission statuses to collections:

  1. Resources that you created or for which you are an owner
  2. Resources that are “Private” but shared with you.
  3. Resources that are “Discoverable” but shared with you. 
  4. Resources that are “Public” that you have added to your resources through the “Add to My Resources” button.

Note: Collections that contain private resources cannot be made public or published. 

Add Resources to an Existing Collection

select the edit icon to edit the collection. Below the content section the green "Add Resources" button will be present. 

Example: The following is the content list for a collection of four HydroShare resources:

Collection Contents section with four resources relating to Hurricane Harvey flood data collection.  The titles are "Harvey Flood Data Collection", "Harvey Basemap Data Collection", "Hurricane Harvey 2017 Story Map", and "Height above nearest Drainage (HAND) for CONUS". Author for all resources is David Actur.

HydroShare does not impose restrictions on the purpose of a collection or on the number, types, publication status, or permissions settings associated with resources in a collection. See here for some example collection resources. 

When resources are added to a collection, a relationship is automatically created that relates each member resource to its collection resource, and the collections that a resource is part of are displayed on the Resource Landing Page for that resource:

A header that says "This resource belongs to the following collections:". Two collections are in the section: "Hurricane Harvey 2017 Collections" and "Harvey Flood Data Collection". The owner of both collections under the "owners" heading is David Actur.

How do I enable or disable other users’ ability to add my resource to a collection?

If you do not want your resource to be added to any collection created by any other user, uncheck the “Shareable” checkbox under the Sharing Status. This will limit the ability of other users to re-share your resource, and it will prevent the resource from being added to a collection without your knowledge. If you want to allow specific users to add your resource to collections they own:

  1. Give the user at least “View” permissions on the resource.
  2. Check the box next to the “Shareable” attribute under “Sharing Status” on the resource’s landing page.

Publishing a Collection

Like individual resources, collections can also be published and receive a DOI. In order to publish a collection, all resources within the collection must be published. In order to publish each resource within the collection, return to the My Resources landing page, and ensure that each resource has an abstract, at least one keyword, and at least one file. Then, set the status of the resource to public in the “Manage access” section. Before publishing, ensure that your resource is complete. After publishing You will NOT be able to edit the content, title, or authorship of your resource. When the publish iconappears, select it and proceed through the publication questions. Once all resources in the collection are published, repeat the publishing process at the collection level.