Landlab modeling environment

What is Landlab?

Landlab is an open-source Python-language package for building and exploring numerical models of various Earth-surface processes, including hydrological processes. Landlab is described by Hobley et al. (2017) and Barnhart et al. (2020), and can be found on the web at

Landlab package contains:

  • A gridding engine that lets you quickly and efficiently create grids to represent a model domain. Both regular and irregular grid types are supported.
  • A library of process components, each of which represents a physical process (e.g., generation of rain, erosion by flowing water). These components use a common interface, and they can be combined to create integrated models.
  • Utilities that support general numerical methods, file input/output, and visualization.

Learn about Landlab

Landlab has a well-developed help documentation as a guidance for users. The most current Landlab source code is always available from our git repository. Landlab also contains a set of Jupyter notebook tutorials providing an introduction to core concepts and examples of use. If you are interested in contributing to Landlab but don’t know how to get started, take a look at the page on development .

If you have any question about using or contributing to Landlab, please create a github issue on the Landlab repository at


Landlab in HydroShare

HydroShare users can access Landlab directly through the open CUAHSI JupyterHub Web App, using its “CSDMS Workbench” server option. In addition, Landlab Jupyter notebook tutorials are available as a HydroShare resource. A good way to get started with Landlab is to locate the  Landlab Jupyter Notebooks resource on HydroShare, and then open the resource using the CUAHSI JupyterHub with the CSDMS Workbench option. The welcome.ipynb notebook provides a convenient launch point, and includes a list of available tutorials.