The capability to flexibly support code execution in HydroShare is provided through the Jupyter Notebook App that is hosted using JupyterHub software. You can access this App by launching it from the Apps library or from the “Open with …” button in a HydroShare resource type that is meaninful to work on using a Jupyter Notebook. When you open it from a resource, the App has access to the contents of the resource, so you can use the in calculations performed by the App.
What is a Jupyter Notebook?
From the website, a Jupyter Notebook is a web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and explanatory text. Uses include: data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, machine learning and much more. A Jupyter notebook is thus an enhanced computational environment that combines rich text and code execution into a single script-like container. The HydroShare Python Notebook Server aims to combine this standard notebook functionality with the HydroShare data hosting platform to provide a rich computational environment for water scientists.
What is in the HydroShare Jupyter Notebook Server?
The HydroShare Jupyter notebook deployment lets you execute python code on the notebook server which has installed in it, in addition to a basic linux computation environment, the HydroShare REST Client for access to HydroShare resources, RHESSys workflows for preparation and execution of RHESSYs models, LandLab, TauDEM and example notebooks for working with HydroShare time series resources.
Jupyter Notebook Examples
The following Jupyter Notebook examples are included as part of the HydroShare Jupyter Notebook Server. Each contains its own documentation in the text of the Notebook.
RHESSys Workflows. Prepare input for and execute the the Regional Hydro-Ecologic Simulation System (RHESSys) model
LandLab. A python toolkit for modeling earth surface processes
Credits, Authors, Contributors and Contacts
Tony Castronova