Permanently Publish

Publishing Best Practices

HydroShare users should treat datasets and models as first class research products - along with the papers that are written about them. There is an opportunity to maximize the value of these research products by practicing good data management and creating descriptive metadata. 

You should view publishing a resource the same as publishing a research paper. Follow these recommendations to ensure that your resource is well organized and described. Once published, you can no longer change a resource's content, and can change only limited metadata fields. Please make sure you are ready to publish your resource before following these steps. 

Before you Publish a Resource

  • After publication, you can no longer change a resource's content, and only some of the metadata can be altered, so ensure all metadata fields are completed as thoroughly as possible.
  • Set the resource sharing status to Public.
  • Note that to formally publish, you must have completed the required fields in your profile page.

Permanently Publish a Resource and Obtain a Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

Navigate to the landing page of the resource and click on the “Publish” button. Note that the Publish button is only displayed for resources that are Public and for users who have complete profile information.

screencapture, the top of a resource landing page titled "Industrial plants PA". To the right the is the blue "Open With" Icon. Below this the blue globe icon for publication is circled in red to indicate its position.

You must agree to the terms of the HydroShare data publication agreement and then you will be able to click the “Publish” button. Once you have done this, your resource will undergo review by a member of CUAHSI staff to ensure that it meets minimum metadata requirements and meets community guidelines. Minimum metadata requirements can be found here.

your resource will be published with a citable DOI, which will be displayed in the “How to Cite” block on your resource’s landing page.

Screencapture, The submit a resource for publication dailouge that is launched by clicking the publish icon. Subheader says "Hydroshare Publication Agreement", the text of which is detailed below the subheading. Below this is a checked box that says "I accept the Hydroshare Publication Agreement", and to the right, a red "publish" button.

It may take a little time for the DOI registration to complete, so please be patient. As soon as it is complete, it will show up on the landing page of your resource. Once published, the amount of storage equivalent to the size of the resource will be subtracted from the quota holder's consumed quota. 

NOTE:  If you make a mistake publishing a resource, a HydroShare administrator can delete the resource and work with CrossRef to disassociate the DOI link. However, if you want to keep the resource files, you are responsible for downloading or copying them before the resource is deleted. You may also upload them to a new resource and publish that when you are ready. Contact for help deleting your published resource.  

Coordinating Data and Paper Publication

For resources closely tied to a research publication, we recommend sharing the resource publically when the paper is submitted, if not before. Doing so permits the resource to be cited in the paper, verified and examined by reviewers, and edited based on reviewer comments. When the paper is accepted for publication, the resource can then be permanently published with a citable Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Below are steps to accomplish this. Order may change slightly based on the journal. 

  1. Create the resource in HydroShare, upload content files, and ensure that metadata are complete. 
  2. Make the resource public.
  3. Cite the HydroShare resource in the references section of the paper using the HydroShare URL. This ensures that reviewers can access the resource. 
  4. Submit the paper for review.
  5. Based on reviewer suggestions and paper revisions, make any changes that are necessary to the HydroShare resource. 
  6. When the paper is accepted, in the final text submitted for typesetting, cite the HydroShare resource using its DOI reference. Use the prefix “” followed by the resource’s unique identifier, which is indicated on the resource landing page “How to cite” section. 
  7. When the publisher issues a DOI for the paper, add the full reference for the paper to the related resources metadata on the HydroShare resource. This ensures that the HydroShare resource has a link that points at the final paper. 
  8. Then, finalize and permanently publish the HydroShare resource. 


If you follow this process, you will have a citation to the paper in your HydroShare resource that uses a DOI and a citation to the HydroShare resource in the paper that also uses a DOI.