NASA-Hosted Services
The Data Rods Explorer (DRE) is an application for discovering, viewing, and downloading NASA-hosted data sets. Use the app to discover NASA observation retrievals and land surface model (LSM) outputs by variable, space, and time. Learn more about the Data Rods Explorer app here.
NOAA National Water Model Forecast Viewer
The NOAA National Water Model provides hydrologic forecasts across the US. Learn more about the NOAA National Water Model Data App here.
THREDDS Data Server
THREDDS (access here or from Apps) (Thematic Real-time Environmental Distributed Data Services) is a server for multi-dimensional (NetCDF) content within Hydroshare resources. THREDDS data services are available only for the "Public" composite resources. This THREDDS data server supports access to netCDF data through OPeNDAP services using the DAP2 protocol that supports subsetting directly from a number of clients using the DAP2 data access protocol.
CUAHSI Time Series Data Viewer
The CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System (HIS) is an internet-based system for sharing hydrologic data. It is comprised of databases and servers, connected through web services, to client applications, allowing for the publication, discovery and access of data. You can access the time series data explorer here or from the apps page.
Time series data within a resource can be viewed in the time series data viewer by using the “Open With” button, or by right clicking time series data in the contents section and opening with the data viewer app.